I bet you’re excited about this blog, aren’t you?! All of your questions answered about if it’s okay to smoke/eat/vape before you get waxed. Here is all of the information we can give you:
We suggest not.
Just for fun I googled this phrase during the writing of this blog and here’s what came up in predictive google:
Should I smoke pot before. . .a colonoscopy
Should I smoke pot before. . .I get an iud
Should I smoke pot before. . . I get a tooth pulled
Should I smoke pot before. . . I get a tattoo
Waxing never even came up until I put it in and now that’s in my google search. Ha! (note to self: clear cache)
Marijuana affects everyone a little differently and you know your body. No one at Beach Ready Waxing is here to be anyone’s judge or jury about what you do to relax/focus/disconnect. I’m sure you can find recommendations online of whether you should partake of the magic weed before you get waxed, but again. . .you know how it affects you. Does it make you super sensitive? Probably not a good idea to get waxed after a toke. Does it make you overthink? Definitely not a good idea. Does it make you paranoid? Then do not do it before you get a Brazilian wax or any wax. We don’t need you wondering if someone is going to walk in the room or are we going to tear your skin or is the wax too hot–and we really don’t need you grabbing our hand and telling us to “just wait, wait, wait a second.’
Here’s the thing that we would really like you know and take to heart. Please, please, please don’t hotbox in your car before you get waxed. You STINK when you come in. Our rooms STINK when you leave. Your money STINKS so much I’m embarrassed to take it to the bank. We get a contact high. It takes an hour to clear out the smell even with our state of the art air filter.
You can do this without getting baked. It’s just a Brazilian wax. Promise it will be over before you know it and you can eat all the cookies you want.
Peace out,