Hairless Twister and Happy Baby
Let’s talk about the best way to position your body to get the most effective waxing. Sometimes clients don’t seem to realize that we get ALL of the hair. Not just the hair we can see, but ALL of the hair. Hair that not only grows on the labia, but in the folds of the labia. Hair doesn’t just grow right outside the crack of the butt but in the crack (never the hole though—either hole, so please understand that certainly doesn’t happen). Hair that grows at the top of the pubic mound and around the clitoral hood or the top of the penis near the glans (head). Hair, it seems is predisposed to growing every single place that people do not want it. Listen, we didn’t make the rules, we just work around them. So, lets talk about the best positioning for us to get those hairs in all of it’s hidey holes (not really holes).
Firstly, lets talk about the butt crack. If there was one part of the body that people really don’t understand why hair grows there, it’s absolutely the crack of the butt. I mean really. . .what is the purpose? I’m sure there is a purpose but I’ve never been interested enough to research it. It’s not like eyelashes that keep dust from flying in your eye. Hair grows every different direction here: it grows towards the middle like it’s trying to go back into your body, it grows down, up and sometimes changes directions right in midcrack. You’d be amazed how many different directions the hair grows. Then there is the hair at the top of the crack which I fondly refer to as your goat tail. Not everyone loves that terminology, but everyone gets it. That bit grows a completely different direction and if you don’t watch out could possibly grow right up your back. Believe us, we want to get that hair. Because why would anyone get everything waxed off and be super smooth just to leave a goat tail? WHY? Waxing this part is when we need you to be your most shameless self. I, personally, get on my hands and knees. This is easier for me and gives the technician full access. Some people are mortified by even the thought of this, so for those tender souls you can pull your knees to your chest. One of our technicians had me do that the other day and I didn’t like it, but what I did find that I liked was bringing my legs straight back towards the shoulders and spreading them out. Again, not for the delicate of heart, but the technician can see EVERY last hair that way and give you the Brazilian wax you deserve. If you can get into a yoga happy baby pose—SO. GREAT. Then you can get your yoga on while getting waxed. Some people like to flip on their belly and then hold their cheeks apart for us to wax. Ugh. . .this hurts the neck and makes you feel like you’re about to be hog tied which can induce panic. We don’t want that. You could turn on your side and hold open one cheek, I suppose, but that seems like a lot of rolling around. The moral of this paragraph: start practicing your happy baby pose and end up with a happy booty.
For the labia some technicians like for you to be butterflied. That hurts my hips and I don’t like it so when I’m waxing I have my clients butterfly one side and leave the other straight. If your technician puts you in a position that is hurting you then you need to tell them and they will rearrange. It can be like a game of twister in that room with you the only player, but hey. . .you leave hairless and that’s the name of the game. Hairless Twister.
Legs, back, eyebrows, stomach, chest. . .all are less confusing. You just lay there and we will wax. Sometimes you have to roll or move onto your side, but not any more yoga poses other than corpse. All we ask is that you give us access. Oh and don’t cross your ankles—that ways restricts access and makes us feel like we have to split a wishbone. Just relax and spread, we will do the rest.
Beach Ready Waxing