Very common question that we get asked is “Why do I break out after I wax?” Most honest, best answer we give: “We don’t know.” BUT We can give you some ideas of why you break out. Waxing is trauma to the skin with a capital T. Especially when you consider that Brazilian waxing is the waxing of a very sensitive area. Back waxing also can be an area very prone to breaking out and the chest. . .fuhgeddaboudit; that’s almost a guaranteed breakout festival. As a general rule anytime you experience a trauma to the skin it will break out. You may find the next day you have little white bumps everywhere. Just ignore them and then when you get in the shower wash like normal. It may be red and angry and miserable with lots of bumps. LEAVE IT ALONE. It will settle down. What you can be certain of is that we did not give you any kind of a disease or infection. It’s just that the skin is rebelling.
Also, this generally happens only on the first waxing. It is usually doesn’t occur again and if it does it is not nearly as bad as the first time. Then each time it gets less and less. But remember this: waxing is not for everyone. If you’ve tried it a couple of times and keep having the same reaction every time, perhaps it just isn’t for you. It also doesn’t happen to everyone. If I wax 50 people I will get one call saying “uhhhhh. . .help me.” That’s a pretty good ratio. We also ask people (if we remember) how they did after the first wax and usually they say, “it was a little red and bumpy but it settled down in about a day” or they say, “no problems at all.” After you wax you should not work out and get the area sweaty and hot. That can cause you to break out. You should not go home and lotion the waxed area. That will occlude the pores and that will likely cause a breakout. Let us put on our after waxing treatment and then you leave the area alone. Give the skin a day or two to relax and it will settle down. Just about anything can cause issues. I just saw something that said the panty liners women wear can cause breakouts because the material is bleached. Perhaps your hair protected your back from any laundry detergent residue and now that it’s gone you’re getting irritated. I know we hate the hair, but sometimes it does serve a purpose. We also have some great products that you can buy to help with possible breakouts and reduce the possibility of ingrown hairs. That’s another blog coming one day. So err on the side of caution and keep your hands off of it which also limits bacteria. Surely, if we’ve learned anything in these times of Covid we’ve learned that our hands need to be clean before they touch anything. This includes your waxed areas.
For more tips & tricks, check out our instagram! Smiles, Beach Ready Waxing