Ugh. Cancellation Fees. I know.
Yes, we charge a no show or last minute cancellation fee. My first several (like 13) years in business I didn’t do this. Mostly I didn’t do it because it was just me and I was so busy that if you didn’t show up it was a relief for me. It gave me a minute to grab lunch, a drink and sit down. I loved no shows. I celebrated them.
And then… I hired other people. People who are extremely skilled and not as busy as I am. People who need money and a job. People who do not get paid if you do not show up. We are independent contractors. If you don’t show up, then we don’t get paid. Not only what I just said is true, what else is true is that it is HIGHLY likely that someone wanted your spot but we saved it just for you. You asked us to and we held up our end of the bargain. Then you didn’t show up and our other client didn’t get booked and we didn’t make any money for that session and now our kid doesn’t get milk because you wanted to go to the beach instead of showing up for your appointment. Which, BTW, we don’t recommend because you probably shaved or just let your hair hang out and we condone neither of those.
I’m being funny to make a serious point. Our time is our money and while we always understand that things happen (flat tires, accidents, sick kids, work calls) and we definitely work with you, we will charge a no show/cancellation fee if you are just willy nilly with our time.
We celebrate our clients. We are so very appreciative of you. Thank you for understanding this process which for Beach Ready Brandon and Lakeland is a necessary evil.