The Waxing Salon “Don’t” List

Okay, so certain things come up over and over and I’d like to address those things here. These are things I prefer you don’t ever do.

  1. Showing up 15 minutes late for your Brazilian waxing appointment which is only a 30 minute appointment in the first place.  Don’t do this.
  2. Calling me and begging me to work you in and then showing up late after I have worked you in.  Don’t do this.
  3. Shaving one or two weeks before you come and get waxed.  Don’t do this.  I need three weeks growth minimum.
  4. Yelling “Oh Jesus” repeatedly during your appointment.  Don’t do this.
  5. Bringing in your entourage to help you through the experience.  Too many make the room way too hot and I am a sweater anyway.  Don’t do this.
  6. Not wearing a tampon if you are having your period.  Definitely do not do this.
  7. Bringing in your partner because everyone thinks it will be a turn on.  Don’t do this.
  8. Asking me to add on a ‘quick’ full leg wax, or a Brazilian wax when you have scheduled for a 10 minute eyebrow wax.  Don’t do this.
  9. Being shocked at my price and haggling with me.  Don’t do this.

I love my job.  I love my clients.  I truly love being here every day.  These nine little ‘do nots’ may help all of us have a better waxing experience.  Or at least me. Those of you who know me know where I am coming from.  Those of you I am about to meet, well. . .I write like I am; pretty straightforward.  And if you’re new to waxing, don’t be afraid, I can get just about anybody through the Brazilian experience.  We go slow, we breathe, we laugh and if you really can’t take it, well then we stop.  Come try it, you’ll love it.

Beach Ready Waxing is a great place for your Brazilian waxing needs, or any of your waxing needs!  We aim to please.
