Soft Wax vs. Hard Wax – What’s the Difference?

Soft Wax vs. Hard Wax. . . What’s the Difference?


At Beach Ready Waxing Brandon, Fl and Lakeland, Florida we use two types of wax; soft wax and hard wax.  Sometimes they are known as strip wax and stripless wax.  The strip or soft wax is a wax that when melted at the proper temperature it drips off the stick like maple syrup—not too thin, not too thick.  It is soft at the recommended heater setting and warm to the touch (your touch).  Once it is applied to the skin a strip of paper is put over it and pulled off to remove both wax and hair. 

The stripless, or hard wax, is a wax that when melted at the proper temperature it barely drips off the stick. (We like to use Berodin Hard Wax). It is not melted to entirety in the wax pot.  It feels warm to the skin and dries hard on the skin forming its own strip. No paper required.


So how we determine what wax to use on what part of the body is not really rocket science.  Many waxing establishments use only one wax, be it hard or soft, for every part of the body.  That’s one of the things that makes Beach Ready Waxing stand out.  We know that different areas of the body react differently soft wax vs. hard wax.  Some areas can take a more aggressive wax, some need a gentler touch.  Some hair responds best to hard wax, some to soft.  We find that peach fuzz can be completely uncooperative and need a bit more persuasion to come out thus we use the soft wax.  The soft wax is more aggressive than the hard wax.  It is also easier to spread over large areas and allows for a quicker wax.  On the other hand we have found that when doing a Brazilian wax or underarm wax the hair responds way better to the hard wax.  Both of those areas are tender places and need a less aggressive wax, but one that will still get the hair.  It boils down to us knowing because we’ve done it for so long.  And sometimes, well, sometimes you trick us.  Sometimes your hair is a rebel and we have to do something different than the norm.  That makes you a freak.

Just kidding.  

That just means that when you surprise us we have to figure out what works and go with that.  One size doesn’t always always fit all.

Got a question?  Ask away.  I’ll be happy to answer.



Beach Ready Waxing

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