No Friends Allowed!!
Many times you show up at our shop and want your best friend, favorite cousin, or current boyfriend/girlfriend to go in the room with you. You think you want this because it will be soothing and calming and supporting.
I think you think this because you have watched way too many YouTube videos on Brazilian waxing. If we could impart one very important piece of advice before you come for your first wax it would be this:
Do not watch any waxing videos before your appointment.
By the time you have booked the appointment you’re already a bit unnerved. Then you go your device and watch those videos. I know a lot of those videos. I get mad watching those videos because they are an exaggeration of the service or they are done by fools that know not what they do. Some of them anyway, not all. Some of them are very good. For some reason these are not the ones you generally watch. So, that gets you amped up and then you go to bed and every question ever goes through your mind.
“Am I going to bleed?”
“What if I cry?”
“What if I can’t get through it?”
“Do I have to get on my hands and knees?”
“Am I too hairy?”
“Is the hair too long?”
“I’m going to be embarrassed.”
“What if I sweat?”
Does any of this sound familiar? I know some of it does. Then for some reason you come up with the idea that a friend in the room will be good for you.
I promise you, it won’t.
And that’s the answer to the question of, “Can my friend/boyfriend/cousin come in with me?” No, they can’t. They make the situation worse. We need to connect with you. We need you focused on what we’re saying and what position to get in. We need you to understand aftercare. We want this to be as calming as possible and someone with you holding your hand does not accomplish that sense of ease. Half the time you get embarrassed and don’t want them in there anyway. You’re not having a baby. It’s just a wax. No friends allowed.
You got this. All by yourself. You should be used to it after this lockdown anyway, right?!
Beach Ready Waxing