Why do we ask you to list your medications when you arrive?
When you come to see us, there is a small bit of paperwork that you need to fill out before we wax you. One of the things this paperwork goes over is your current medications.
We don’t really want to pry about your medications but we do need to know if you are taking something that is not compatible with waxing. We do not want to hurt you any more than the normal waxing pain and it can happen if you are on certain meds.
I will be the first to tell you that I have skinned people’s eyebrows in the past simply because they did not know the medications they were on caused skin thinning and neither did I. This is a horrible feeling, by the way. I mean, yes it hurts the receiver, but it makes me want to throw up because as a professional this should not happen. It can happen without you being on medication—I’ve seen that happen too because sometimes skin is thin for no reason other than it is thin.
Medication is always changing and the side effects are moving targets. So on our paperwork we have tried to compile a list of every medication that we have researched and that is known to the waxing community to be a contraindication to waxing.
Recently we infuriated someone because we would not wax their daughter’s eyebrows because she was on one of these medicines. This person told us it wouldn’t be a problem. But guess what? It is a problem if we wax you and you’ve told us you’re on a medicine that is on our list. This is a blatant disregard for our do no harm but the harm intended policy. So you can get mad at us and give us a rotten review (please don’t) but we have to be responsible professionals and not give our profession a bad reputation. Do you want your daughter to go to homecoming with her new dress, perfect hair, on point makeup and a big scab under her eyebrow? Neither do we.
It’s happened and we’re trying our best to make sure it doesn’t happen ever again.
If you are on ANY kind of medicine for a skin condition like acne, you really should clear waxing with your doctor. Any kind of anti-aging topicals for your face can be red flags. We do our best to know what’s out there, but we don’t know it all so any help you can give us to protect you is good help.